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Eight and Bob 100ml


Created by Frenchman Albert Fouquet in the early twentieth century, himself part of the elite French society of the time, this iconic fragrance remains to this day a fragrance that cannot be rivaled – both in composition and history. In the summer of 1937, a chance meeting on the French Riviera between Fuoquet and a young American student by the name of John F Kennedy created Eight & Bob. Kennedy was instantly taken by the essence that Albert Fouquet wore. He managed to convince Fouquet to leave a sample for him, which he did at the hotel reception the following morning. It was accompanied by a note that read; “In this bottle, you will find the dash of French glamour that your American personality lacks.”

When Fouquet returned to Paris, he received a note from JFK who was now back in America. The note told of the popularity that his fragrance samples had enjoyed and requested a further eight samples be sent, “and if your production allows, another one for Bob”. Fouquet took great time and care in sourcing bottles to fill with the cologne, ensuring they looked impressive enough. He ordered special boxes to be made for the cologne to fit in to, the design matching the JFK’s shirt material he wore when they met. The colognes were labelled, “Eight & Bob”and were hidden in books when they were mailed to America.

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Cap D'antibes, Egypt, Megeve, Mustique, Original, Provence


Eight and Bob


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